
The sponsors of free downloading.

As soon as the selection from the sponsors´ database will be made, link to your file is ready for the free downloading.

Attention, please! Without turning AdBlock off it´s technically impossible to get response from the sponsors´ database and provide you with the link.

A comment Оригинал публикации находится здесь: Это нарушение авторских прав.

File sharing service is designed to store and share files between users of the site.

Files can be downloaded and categorized. The user uploading the file, independently determines the file allocation category. The categorization of files is not a prerequisite.

You can download any files, without specifying categories, in the Files folder, and for image files in the special Foto folder.

Each file after downloading to the directory is checked for virus content and gets a static link. To exchange files between users, the recipient must provide a static link.


Recipient Actions

+ The recipient opens a static link in the browser;
+ The server generates a dynamic link;
+ The recipient, using a dynamic link, can easily download a file in any available way within 24 hours. When downloading a file, the resume mode is available, in case of connection loss. For a comfortable download, you can use any download manager;
Every download of a file is sponsored. The sponsor is determined randomly from the number of advertisers, based on the rating. To receive a dynamic link in the user's Web browser, cookies must be enabled and software that blocks ads should be disabled.


Briefly about the rules of the catalog

For the placement of files are allowed, the content of which does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The files must be of a known type.
Files must contain information that is the intellectual property of the sender.
Files can be compressed using the program archiver. Archives should not have a password.

Directory files are freely available. For downloading files no fee will be charged.

The size of the files is not limited.
Filling files to the server can be of any size, but there is one important condition: The lifetime of dynamic links is 24 hours, so you should upload files of the size that can be downloaded by the recipient within 24 hours to the server. The recommended maximum file size is 500 MB.

File storage time is 1 year.
Files that are not in use for a long period are placed in temporary storage. If the application does not receive a request to restore the file in the directory within a month, the file is deleted. The file can be deleted for the following reasons:
+ at daily check the virus is revealed;
+ at the request of the sender or owner of the file;
Initially, it is assumed that the sender and the owner are one person. But if the owner of the file is declared and he does not agree with the location of the file in the directory, he must inform the catalog administrator about it. In this case, the file is deleted on demand, without additional clarification.
+ the content of the file does not meet the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.;



2BAY is a public service where any user can post any content. All information posted is compulsory moderation, but the information flow is very large and therefore your help is important to the administration. If you, being the copyright owner, found that your rights were violated, just let us know about it.

The same applies to banned materials. Be active. If any third-party Internet resources find links to our file hosting containing prohibited materials, please notify the administration.


The application for deleting the file will be processed instantly by the robot. If the robot for some reason can not immediately delete the file you specified, it will automatically generate a Abuse and send it to the site administrator.


Logic of file storage

To successfully exploit the capabilities of the Fileshop, you need to understand the basic logic of file storage.


А) All uploaded and stored files can be downloaded by any member.

Б)The site has two repositories: the Personal Account and the Public Directory.


With a private office, everything is simple, there are your personal files. And if you have a desire to publish them, then you post a link in the network. If you do not want to publish, then just do not publish the links, and in this case, no one will even guess that there is one or another file in your personal account.

With the Public Directory, everything is different.


В) All files placed in the Public Directory, by default, can be accessed by any member.

Г) All files of the Public Directory can be indexed by the search engine.


Any of the participants can make unhindered access to the Public Directory, both for downloading and for uploading any files.

A public directory can contain files of any users, and each user can modify or delete any files that are in public access.

Therefore, you can delete the file of another user, or another user can delete your file.


The public folder is intended for short-term storage of files. This is its main purpose.




Technical support

If you have problems in working with the file sharing service or if you have any questions related to downloading or uploading files, discuss them on the forum with other participants. Technical support for users is only available on the forum

If the forum fails to get an answer, and the question is very important, then contact the technical support in the Administration section.